Friday, April 2, 2010

I am at a standstill for the last week!

I was going pretty strong for awhile there...and then I guess I needed a break.  This is a slow process isnt it?  There is no hurrying...its all about patience....and the journey...Rug hooking is time consuming and slow and sometimes painful!  On the other hand it is much faster than say...cross stitch...of which I have tons of unfinished projects under my bed!  Rug hooking least in the cuts that I am really quite fast compared to can cover quite a bit of backing in a few hours....if you are diligently working. In that comparison I like how I can finish for the day....and really see a difference!  I am finding that I have to look at this totally different than painting.  At first, I thought it would be like painting with wool....but it really is not like painting...I cant grab the exact right color I want...I cant quickly create the color I need by blending the paints...I cant blend on my "canvas" or backing...You have to look at it differently...more in blocks of color..more abstractly...I tend to be a realistic painter...and this for me is a learning experience.  Seeing the blocks of color and the shapes the colors make besides the actual "forms" or objects that have obvious shape in the rug....This is good for me in so many ways!   I am finished for the day working at my desk and now I am going to spend the next 45 min. hooking before I go home.  Happy Hooking!

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