Sunday, November 7, 2010

My new "scarf"

A friend sent me this beautiful wool she hand dyed..and I was going to make mittens...but I wanted the beautiful wool by my face...for color and softness and warmth for the cold months ahead!  I made this as a a turtleneck you just put it over your head..and you can cover your lower head and ears as well....Isn't is scrumptious wool and a wonderful blend of colors!??  I love it...!  I made it a bit when it gets wont shrink too much and be too tight.  The other reason I made this instead of mittens,....Is I am mitten challenged!  I need a class or help in some way;...I tried and tried but I had no idea what I was doing!  I wish Debbie MacComber would have her Blossom Street Knitting Store right by my house...we have a knitting store nearby ...but the knitters just sit and knit...there is no classes and I have gone but I end up asking too many questions and feel its not quite what I need.  I wish I had a store nearby that had mitten, sox,  hat and shawl classes...etc...just like in the Blossom Street series....I am the type of person that needs hands on help....I was able to figure out rug hooking mostly by myself...but I find knitting is bit trickier than hooking to me.  But I do love and will definitely wear this ALL the I am still very happy!   Plus, it feels good to actually finish something usable!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Laura,
    How darling is that! I really love that blue next to your face it absolutely makes you glow! I need one of those for winter!
    I would like to learn to knit again......believe it or not I used to knit fearlessly quite a few years ago. Still have all my needles, etc. but have forgotten most of everything. Maybe it would come back if I tried but am too busy hooking rugs! Hope you can find someone there to help you learn more and do some mittens to match that gorgeous cowl!!
    Cathy G
